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Anonymous Crime Tip

Type of Incident

Please provide as much information as possible: date of crime, location, the suspect(s), description of suspects (sex, age, race, eye/hair color, facial hair), additional suspects, home or work information for suspects, distinctive features of suspects, known associates of suspects, why you believe this person is responsible for the crime, is or was the suspect involved in other crimes, vehicle information including plate number & state, make, model, color, dents etc. 

Optional: The following information is not required but will assist in our investigation of the matter(s) reported. If the requested information is not known, leave the fields blank.

Hair Color
Facial Hair
Do you believe this person was involved in other crimes?

Vehicle Information: Describe any relevant vehicle information

Type of Vehicle
Passenger Car
License State

You may voluntarily enter your contact information below - but only if you wish to be identified as the supplier of this crime tip. Your information will always remain confidential. We will only contact you if we have any follow up questions.

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