Now Hiring for Police Officer Position
August 5, 2021
Police Officer Applicant,
The Powell Police Department is an organization committed to the pursuit of justice, peace, and order through the delivery of effective police services of the highest quality. We strive to accomplish this through a close working relationship with the law-abiding citizens we serve. We use various policing strategies, which place emphasis on enforcement of the law, apprehension of law-breakers, crime prevention and problem solving to address issues of crime and disorder in the community.
The Powell Police are committed to the highest standards of ethics, morals, and performance. We set a clear expectation of all employees to adhere to these standards and conduct themselves with individual and collective integrity that is above reproach. We desire to recruit personnel who are also committed to these standards and want to be a part of a police agency that is dedicated to deliver police services with a commitment to excellence.
If you would like to be a contributing member of the Powell Police you will find an employment application enclosed. If you decide to apply, be careful to complete it entirely, including the Waiver of Liability and the Authorization for Release of Information, and submit it no later than 5:00 p.m. on September 2, 2021.
The first screening is tentatively scheduled for September 8th, 2021, beginning at 8:00 a.m. at the Powell Police Department. Eligible participants will receive an invitation to participate in this screening. This position remains open until filled. In order to be considered, applicants must return a properly completed application packet as soon as possible. You will be required to be in attendance for all testing days as they are determined. The screening process will include a written test, physical abilities test, oral board interview, background interview and investigation, psychological assessment, command staff interview, and medical examination. The screening process may also include a polygraph exam and physical fitness assessment or any other assessment instrument deemed necessary.
Thank you for your interest in the Powell Police. We look forward to hearing from you.
Roy Eckerdt
Chief of Police